National Anthem of Qatar - As Salam al Amiri

As Salam al Amiri is the national anthem of Qatar written by Sheikh Mubarak bin Saïf al-Thani and it was first performed in 1996 for the reception of GCC leaders during the 17th GCC Summit held in Qatar.

In ArabicIn EnglishTranslation
قسما بمن رفع السماءqasaman biman rafa' as-sama'Swearing by God who erected the sky
قسما بمن نشر الضياءQasaman biman nashraz ziye'Swearing by God who spread the light
قطر ستبقي حرة تسموQataron satbaqa x.auratan TasmuQatar will always be free
بروح الاوفياءbirux.i l-aufie'Sublimed by the souls of the sincere
سيروا على نهج الأولى سيرواSiru' 'ala nuhaj ilu Siru'Proceed thou on the manners of the ascendants
وعلى ضياء الانبياءva 'ala t'aya' il ithbaya'And advance on Prophet's guidance
قطر بقلبي سيرةQat.arunai biqalbi siratIn my heart,
عز وأمجاد الإباء'azul amjaad ul-'ibaQatar is an epic of glory and dignity
قطر الرجال الاولينQat.arunai i-rijaal al-'awainQatar is land of the early men
حماتنا يوم النداءaumatnu yaum al-nida'Who protect us in time of distress,
وحمائم يوم السلامWax.amaymunai yaum as-salamDoves they can be at times of peace,
جوارح يوم الفداءJawarix.a yaum al-fida'aWarriors they are at times of sacrifice
قسما قسماQasaman Qasaman(repetition)
قسما بمن رفع السماءqasaman biman rafa' as-sama'Swearing by God who erected the sky
قسما بمن نشر الضياءQasaman biman nashraz- ziye'Swearing by God who spread the light
قطر ستبقى حرة تسموQataron satbaqa x.auratan TasmuxQatar will always be free
بروح الأوفياءbirux.i l-aufie'Sublimed by the souls of the sincere

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